In the "Old World" cigars have been considered an elegant way of smoking tobacco for hundreds of years. After all, smoking cigars embodies pleasure, style and charm and is a symbol of luxury and affluence as well. The tobacco used for cigars comes from exotic tropical countries in South and Middle America, the Caribbean, Asia and Africa. Cigar tobacco has always been highly regarded, especially for its flavour and aroma− and this is also true when you order cigars online. The company Hamburger Cigarren Contor (Hacico) is one of the largest cigar shops in Europe and offers you a huge selection of high-quality cigars from around the world. is the place on the internet to order cigars online.
A distinction is generally made between two different methods used in the cultivation of tobacco. The tobacco that grows in half-shade is called tabaco tapado, because it grows under natural shade or under panels. The shade reduces the strong rays of the tropical sun. The tobaccos leaves remain delicate, light and smooth and are not “tanned” by the intensive UV rays. Every cigar smoker knows the cigars from the Dominican Republic with a light wrapper, which are often referred to as "shade-grown" by experts. In our cigar shop we have a large selection of these cigars, which are very mild. When you order cigars online or in the shop personally, you can choose between these shade-grown wrappers or natural sun-ripened wrappers. Middle Americans call these leaves tobacco del sol, which in English means tobacco from the sun. You can recognise them by their darker colour. Their colour can range from a light brown to a dark black. The very dark tobacco leaves are called maduro. The flavour of the cigar is also greatly affected by the very different cultivation methods used. The light cigars in our cigar shop generally have a milder aroma, while the dark ones have a richer and more intense flavour.
When you want to order cigars online, you should first decide whether you want a short or long filler. The short filler cigars available in our cigar shop are filled with tobacco leaves that have been shredded or chopped. A stable binder leaf is wrapped around this filler tobacco to hold it in place and then a wrapper is wrapped around this so called bunch. This wrapper is less important for the stability of both short and long filler cigars than it is for their appearance. The finest and most beautiful tobacco leaves from each harvest are used as wrappers. On the other hand, in long filler cigars the filler tobacco contains whole tobacco leaves which have been rolled together into the classic cigar shape. Unlike short filler cigars, they can only be made by hand. Our cigar shop offers a large selection of long filler cigars from South and Middle America as well as the Caribbean.
When you order cigars online you can choose from a variety of different shapes and sizes. Small-sized cigars like the Coronita or Panatela have short smoking times and are thus ideal for short smoking breaks. The longer sizes burn longer and you can sometimes enjoy smoking them for several hours. In the cigar shop we refer to the thickness of a cigar as the ring gauge or diameter. It is either indicated in centimetres or in fractions of an inch when you order cigars online. Thin gauge cigars often tend to burn hotter than fatter ones. The classic medium-sized cigar is called Robusto. Usually cigars are straight-sided and have a rounded head; these are called Parejos. By contrast, some cigars have tapered shapes, like the Torpedo, Belicoso or Pyramid. These cigars are referred to as figurados because they have more creative and irregular shapes. They have the most traditional cigar shape that you will find in our Cigar shop. In the early days of cigar production, cigars were always made as figurados because molds were not used in the production process back then. Each cigar was formed by hand. Making a completely straight cigar was basically impossible. Culebras are examples of cigars with an exotic shape. When you order cigars online in Germany and Switzerland they are often called "crooked dog". Culebras have three cigars that have been braided together while they were still moist, and are sold only as a bundle of three. To order cigars online is a great way to become acquainted with exotic shapes or brands.
Anyone who loves smoking cigars will surely think of the former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. He enjoyed smoking cigars for many decades and had a hand in the creation of a special type of cigar, which still carries his name today. There was even a time when cigars were made especially for the English prime minister. The London company Alfred Dunhill was responsible for making his cigars while collaborating with the Cuban Romeo y Julieta Factory. The cigars were labelled with a custom-made band. Of course, this popular cigar, with its high-quality tobacco, is for sale in the Hacico Cigar Shop. Be on the look-out for Julieta 2 or Romeo y Julieta Churchill sizes when you order cigars online. The smoking time for these exquisite cigars can reach up to 90 minutes. Have a look around at our cigar shop and enjoy many benefits when you order cigars online. We can deliver cigars and accessories safely packaged and air-conditioned to your home within a few days-anywhere around the world.
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